Greengoat and Miljögiraff support VBG Group in strategic work with CSRD.
VBG Group – Large Industrial Corporation Tackles CSRD
VBG Group has spent a year preparing for the increased demands on having strategies for sustainable development and reporting within the CSRD. The preparations include building knowledge within the group about what is required and how it can be implemented in a valuable way. Part of this is understanding how they can establish a process for continuous work on calculating their GHG Scope 3, setting targets, and designing improvement work
Workshop to Build Knowledge on Strategies and Methods
Greengoat and Miljögiraff were asked to organize a workshop for VBG’s Truck & Trailer Equipment division as a first step, with the intention to later extend the work to other divisions. The workshop was held in Trollhättan, and employees from purchasing, R&D, sales and marketing, supply chain, and sustainability participated. To meet the CSRD requirements, companies and organizations need to move from working in silos to collaborating across departmental boundaries. The goal of the workshop was to provide VBG with knowledge about methods and tools for calculating their Scope 3 emissions. During the workshop, participants actively worked on questions related to reduction strategies, which created significant engagement across the departments.
The next step for VBG Group and the collaboration with Miljögiraff and Greengoat
In the coming months, more workshops are planned with the other companies in the VBG Group, as well as work to start mapping the emissions from Scope 3 for each company together with Greengoat and Miljögiraff.
Does your organization also need a kickstart in its CSRD efforts?
Greengoat and Miljögiraff work together because we share the same basic view on sustainability work—it must be systematic to yield results. We also share the view on the role of companies in the transition to a sustainable world. There is a power here that we need to help each other realize.
Our competencies complement each other. We are happy to help raise awareness about sustainability within your organization, as well as to gradually develop processes, tools, and methods to help you structure, analyze, and identify the potential in your sustainability efforts.