Tacton automates climate calculations in the quote process with SimaPro

Enable climate calculations and environmental optimization directly in the sales process

Tacton offers their customers configuration, pricing, and quoting solutions. They noticed an increasing demand from their customers to include climate data in their quotes. Many of Tacton’s customers are manufacturing companies. The question arose for Miljögiraff: how can they integrate environmental calculations into their CPQ solution?

In collaboration with PRé Sustainability Miljögiraff supported Tacton to develop configurable models in SimaPro. These models, connected through an API solution, have been seamlessly integrated into Tacton’s CPQ interface and ecosystem. This allows LCA calculations to be performed automatically and in real-time, without the involvement of external LCA experts.

Perform live calculations of complex products.

To demonstrate the solution’s potential to perform live calculations of economic parameters and environmental outcomes for complex products, a pilot project was conducted based on a fictitious Tacton customer. The prototype illustrates how the solution can be used in the customer’s sales process. Elevators were chosen as the example product because they are complex products where each sold elevator needs to be configured according to each new end customer’s specifications.

Through close collaboration between Tacton, PRé Sustainability, and Miljögiraff, Miljögiraff’s expertise in LCA modeling of elevators was used to build an elevator model in the SimaPro Online Platform. This model was linked and developed in parallel with the model for the fictitious elevator company in Tacton’s CPQ tool.

The result was a working prototype in Tacton’s CPQ tool featuring a fully configurable elevator, where with the push of a button, LCA results for a customer-specific elevator can be calculated.

With LCA data and Environmental Footprint Configuration, Tacton supports manufacturers with emissions data covering Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. This enables them to calculate and optimize the environmental impact of their products throughout the entire product lifecycle—from material selection and energy consumption during use to transportation and decommissioning

Automation and digitalization of climate data is the future

The solution is the first of its kind, but both Tacton, Miljögiraff, and PRé Sustainability believe that automation and digitalization of climate data are the future. Through SimaPro’s robustness and ability to integrate into various business systems, we can be more proactive in driving sustainable development

Do you want to implement climate calculations in a software or business system?Contact us!

At Miljögiraff, we are experts in LCA, environmental calculations, and SimaPro, and we are eager to explore how we can help you.