Environmental calculations for CSRD reporting

CSRD is a framework that, with the right ambition, can make a significant difference. On one hand, it can contribute to a growing awareness of the impact that a company has in its value chain; on the other hand, the directive demands structure, data, and transparency; everyone reports in the same way. In this way, we believe that CSRD can lay the foundation for a much more efficient sustainability effort throughout the EU.

CSRD – new sustainability requirements from the EU ready to be implemented

Finally, the new sustainability requirements from the EU directive CSRD are ready to be implemented. CSRD is a framework that, with the right ambition, can make a significant difference. It can contribute to a growing awareness of the impact that a company has in its value chain, and the directive demands structure, data, and transparency; everyone reports in the same way. In this way, we believe that CSRD can lay the foundation for a much more efficient sustainability effort across the EU.

We help you develop analyses in a structured way

At Miljögiraff, we have both the experience and the tools to quantify environmental impact and create strategies from a life cycle perspective. We help you analyze your current situation and support you in finding opportunities where the benefit is as great as possible for both the organization and the planet

When calculating greenhouse gas emissions, one often starts with the emissions from their own operations, GHG Scope 1 and 2. Indirect emissions fall under GHG Scope 3 and include the impact that occurs in the supply chain. The impact in the supply chain comes from the production of goods or services. In GHG Scope 3, we look at the entire lifecycle from the extraction of raw materials and production of the product, to emissions in the use phase, when the products and services are used, and finally how they are disposed of. 

One way to start analyzing one’s Scope 3 is to use what’s called an Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis (EEIO), Environmental spend analysis, which is an approved analysis method according to CSRD. This method uses data from the organization’s business systems to make a first rough estimate of its climate impact. It provides a good indication of what affects the climate the most and thus requires the most focus. A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with specific data is the next step. With it, you get greater transparency and a deeper understanding and see clear opportunities for improvement. If you then want to communicate the results, you can produce an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), which can be compared with similar products from other companies.

Environmental spend analysis

An Environmental Spend Analysis gives you answers on what you should focus on in your GHG Scope 3 calculation.

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Life cycle assessment (LCA)

Create a deep understanding of where in the product or service lifecycle the greatest impact lies and identify improvements.

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Environmental product declaration (EPD)

Have your LCA third-party reviewed to communicate your results in a transparent way.

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GHG scope 3 calculations – this is the process

During the Elmia Subcontractor fair in 2023, we talked about how to tackle CSRD. Check out the recording on the right!

Collaboration for efficient sustainability work

Greengoat and Miljögiraff work together because we share the same fundamental view on sustainability work—it needs to be systematic to yield results. We also share the view on the role of companies in the transition to a sustainable world. There’s a force here that we need to collaborate to realize.

We are happy to help create awareness in your organization about sustainability, but also to gradually develop processes, tools, and methods to help you structure, analyze, and identify the potential in your sustainability work.

Greengoat and Miljögiraff support VBG Group in strategic work with CSRD.

Miljögiraff and Greengoat are assisting a large industrial group to begin its work with CSRD reporting and calculate its GHG Scope 3. A first step was a full-day workshop to kick-start the work.

We would be happy to tell you more about how we can support you in your CSRD reporting; we have the tools and the experience.