Life cycle design – Strategies for climate-smart development
Life cycle design or ecodesign – the area has several names but the same starting point: to find ways to design solutions with as little environmental impact as possible. In life cycle design, we always work with the principle that the entire life cycle of the product or service should be included and optimized in the design work. At Miljögiraff, we help you find your momentum, the drive and energy required to tackle your sustainability challenges for a climate-smarter development.
Through life cycle design, we create sustainable development.
Life cycle design is a method that takes into account the user’s needs, the business, and ecological sustainability in the design of products, services, and systems. By applying life cycle design, we can develop specific products and plan their entire life cycle to reduce ecological impact while considering the business and user experience.
This is how we can help you create sustainable development.
At Miljögiraff, we offer our assistance by delivering strategies and expertise into existing design processes or by suggesting new approaches to address the issue. We believe in a flexible and iterative approach with a focus on creative collaboration. We are here to help you identify sustainable scenarios in the lifecycle, set design strategies, and build knowledge to inspire your design team to see opportunities from an ecological perspective. We can optimize your business model towards circular development and ensure that products are adapted to the new requirements. We can create sustainability roadmaps by identifying your current situation and the path towards your sustainability goals. Additionally, we can illuminate and optimize your current business model and sustainability strategies through ecodesign audits and circular revisions.

“The ecological crisis is not a design problem; it’s a design opportunity. It’s a chance for us to rethink our relationship with the natural world and create a more sustainable future“
Bruce Mau,
Designer & Change maker
A lifespan study – How long are the products used?
Using methods in Design Thinking and Future Adaptive Design, we have investigated how long Lintex products are used and what happens when they are decommissioned. The result provided insights into how Lintex can work on product and business development to extend the lifespan of their products.

Tibro Hantverksakademi – Course in Circular Economy
Miljögiraff conducted a course in circular economy and life cycle design for future project managers in the furniture industry

Want to know more?
We would be happy to tell you more about life cycle design and how you can activate sustainable development in your organization.